IG: @carolbrailey | Facebook: @carolbraileyimageconsulting | YouTube: Carol Brailey | TikTok: @carolbrailey

Thank you so much for your interest in Carol Brailey's colour analysis services!
  • This waitlist list collects names and emails for the following 4 reasons, please specify in the checkbox below why you are registering for this list to ensure you only receive the email(s) you want from us (if no checkbox is selected, you will never receive a waitlist email from us).
  • Each name on the waitlist is requesting one spot. If you have multiple people to be colour analyzed in your group, please add separate waitlist entries.

1. In-Person Colour Analysis Email Notification Signup (includes post-virtual colour analysis in-person consultation appointments):
  • With Elysse Acosta in Toronto, Canada. 
Those looking for a full in-person colour analysis consultation in Toronto, Canada with Elysse Acosta. Carol’s virtual colour analysis practice is currently keeping her occupied more than full time and currently has no dates planned for full in-person colour analysis. Elysse Acosta will arrive to your appointment having already heard Carol's thoughts on your colouring to further support your colour analysis appointment and results. 

Once contacted, appointments are secured on a first come, first serve basis.

2. Personalized and Basic Virtual Colour Analysis Picture Package Availability - daily email (Personalized is $300 CAD and Basic is $200 CAD plus HST if applicable):

The email notification list for these packages are for clients who may have received a message when attempting to pay for your package indicating our daily maximum has been reached ('Your Cart is Empty' message) who would like to be notified during our next business day when we are accepting new enrollments. We accept enrollments each business day (Monday to Friday excluding Canadian Stat Holidays). Once contacted, bookings are secured on a first come, first serve basis. Once you are contacted the next business day, we immediately unsubscribe you from this list.

3. Post-Virtual Colour Analysis Consultation Appointment - 30 min in Zoom

This appointment type currently is accepting bookings on our website up to June 2024; this list would be for people interested in dates for post-June 2024. Once contacted, appointments are secured on a first come, first serve basis. 
Please keep checking back this page for status updates on expected current wait times. We also recommend checking your spam folder to ensure you receive your email notification from us once your name has been arrived at on our waitlist. We also ask that you do not email us to check your status or if your name is on the list. We are dealing with a huge volume right now and are making our way through this volume - we feel so honored and beyond excited about your interest in Carol Brailey's colour analysis services! If you receive this notification on your screen after subscribing, please rest assured your name is on our list -- "Subscription Confirmed. Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. We will notify you as soon as spots open up. Thank you for your interest!"

By registering for this email list, you will not be receiving marketing emails from us and we would never share your email. We don't do marketing emails. The only potential email(s) you may receive are email notification(s) as described above. You will not receive an email after subscribing to this list. If you see the following message on your screen after you submit your entry, please rest assured your name has been added to the waitlist - "Subscription Confirmed. Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. We will notify you as soon as spots open up. Thank you for your interest!"
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